Family is the Backbone of Society – Together We Are Strong!

I believe we can create a new family legacy and bless the next generation with a safer world, a world that is abuse-free and celebrates individual's passions and creativity!

~~~~  I Have A Dream <–> The world I'm envisioning 🙂  ~~~~

Family is the backbone of society, and we believe God is healing the many aches and pains in the Body of Christ caused by a broken back… dysfunctional families. All of the experts in the world have not created a real change. Not even religion has been able to stem the tide of broken lives.

We are pushing the darkness back with the light of truth-telling. We discover that in sharing stories we are not alone. We find real solutions. We embrace hope. We find redemption. Stories are transformational. Sharing our stories makes us fully human!

A real change begins at home.. You may feel you're as tiny as an ant in your own eyes, but there's a powerful, bridge-building story inside of you! Your story matters! God is creating pathways in the wilderness and streams in the desert, bringing His family home. (Isaiah 43). It's happening now!

The following is a "wisdom collection" that I'm continually adding to with articles, stories, and resources that have helped me to create my best life. I hope you may find them helpful as well. Please pass them along, if you find something that is helpful to you!

A collection of 100 stories and resources that is continually growing! Add a link to your site in this family linkup!   Read More




It's time to hit the restore button, to reverse the curses, and to set the victims of sociopathic abuse back on their feet! You are one of them… if you are a citizen of virtually any country in the world or a member of an ordinary or extraordinary church or married to a narcissist or sociopath. We can all learn from the survivors of sociopathic abuse and help them get their lives back.

At the same time, for those who are not familiar with this type of abuse (98% of Christians or more) they will be awakened to see into a reality that is real for hundreds of thousands of people who live next door to you, sit in the same pew as your family, and share your community. Their pain is largely unseen and and they suffer in silence. Sometimes they die and no one understands why.

I want to demonstrate through true life stories how you can win against the evil of sociopaths and narcissists in your life. This is a fight that takes place mainly in a spiritual realm. The biggest mistake people make is to fight on a merely human level. Most of us lose. our struggle against abuse.. until we learn their game and discover that we have been given everything we need to live in freedom.

Know your enemy and know yourself and you can fight a hundred battles without disaster. – Sun Tzu We must know our enemy, even as Jesus taught us to be as wise as serpents, while remaining innocent as doves.  Read More

"And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching." – Hebrews 10:24-25

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Living with a sociopath damages your mind. It's like living every day under a toxic haze of negativity and the smog fogs up our thinking, producing unwelcome results. It takes intention and purpose to get out from under that toxic cloud and to soak in the Good News. We can create a happy life by renewing our minds.

I realized I was attracting abusers into my life as a direct result of how I thought about myself, how I perceived my circumstances, and how I projected those thoughts and feelings onto others. I need to change all that! It takes time, and soaking is how Papa God showed me the way. Here are some of my favorite audios and videos]   To read more and to listen, click here!

One of the first steps in recovering from long-term abuse is discovering how powerful God created our hearts and minds to be… powerful enough to create the atmosphere surrounding us. What we believe determines our reality, and most of what we believe was programmed into our minds before the age of five.

We carry within ourselves the DNA of Christ Jesus, in our spirit. In our bodies we carry the DNA of man, in the form of generational blessings and curses. Christ Jesus died on the cross to put to death all that produces death and to bring us life – not just ordinary life, but abundant life.

Most of us need to be "reprogrammed" as it says in Romans 12:2:

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.     Read More

Grooming the Next Generation: A Vaccination Against Abuse

Dani Johnson was raised on welfare to parents who were drug addicts. She completely changed her family legacy, and not only have she and Hans home schooled their children but they have trained their children to live in freedom. In fact, one of their business mottos is "A Call to Freedom". Their children are debt-free, buying real estate, ministering to the poor, living frugally, and starting businesses!

Does that appeal to you? This is what I want for my own children: debt-free lifestyles, living simply and frugally, creating wealth, and enjoying Time Freedom!

If you want to raise children with high self-esteem who are compassionate for the suffering but yet experienced with income generation, this simple home study program is simply the BEST! I have this program, myself, although my children are already grown. I truly WISH I had had this kind of training before I had children… seriously!  Read More

Recipes that Boost your Physical and Mental Well-being

As a wife and mom, meal times have been the center of my homemaking. I am not a professional nutritionist or health professional of any kind… these recipes are part of my journey to wholeness in body, soul, and spirit. It's a page under construction, so I hope you will feel comfortable sharing your own stories, recipes, and ideas!

Family meals are the perfect time to share our stories, to receive a healthy dose of love and affection to go down into our guts along with the food. I believe that as cooks the food we touch is blessed with our happy thoughts and prayers for our loved ones! I'm going to begin with the basics in our house – things we commonly eat every single day!  Read More

We will be calling forth the very nature that is in Christ Jesus, who lives within you, by speaking the Word of God. As children, we have often heard negative words spoken over us, and slowly but surely, those words have had a lasting impact on our lives, even charting the course of our lives.

These one-minute blessings from the Father's heart will create a fountain of blessings to pour through your life. I hope you will open your heart to receive each one. They are printed in text and recorded on audio. Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God!   Listen and Read More

There is one thing that has saved my life more than anything else, and that is "crafted prayers". Over the years I have crafted prayer based on Scriptures, promises, and words that God has whispered in my ear. I print them out. I read them out loud. I record them on MP3's in my own voice. I drown out the voice of the enemy with these prayers, which weave themselves into the fabric of my soul. 

It's "The Great Reversal" – time to make your enemies run! Think of what happened to Haman in the book of Esther! Haman had planned to slaughter ALL of the Jewish men, women, and children. Instead, his very own plot was reversed and turned back on his own head. Haman lost everything and was hanged on the very instrument of death he had built for Morechai. Read More

Love from Papa

Listening to Papa's voice is the greatest joy of my life, and it's something we're all designed to do. Learning to walk with His hand in mine has healed my orphan's heart. It's not that I don't have a really good family – I do. But there is nothing and no one that can create in me such a sense of wonder and joy as living in intimacy with Papa God.

The last two decades of my life have been traumatic, and sometimes I've dropped by hand from His, but He's never let me go. He is faithful even when I am not. I believe the source of all unhappiness is our disconnection from our Creator, and usually fear and shame are at the root of orphan's heart. Father God is relentlessly kind and gentle and it's Love that has rooted me to His Goodness, even in the worst of times … and traumas that nearly killed me.   Read the Love Letters

The 30-Second Gratitude Dare!

Whatever we focus on magnifies! What if all tomorrow brought to you was everything you've been thinking about and putting your precious energy into today?

Abuse survivors tend to get caught in whirlpools of negativity that spiral down into oblivion. What we too often experience is a "free fall" into darkness. When it's sociopathic abuse you're fighting, much of it is totally unjust and blindsides you. You have very little or no support, and in fact, your closest friends and family may be knowingly or unknowingly pushing you into more abuse.    Read More

Introducing our Guest Writers – who have written inspiring articles that strengthen the family in creative ways: economically, spiritually, in marriage, self-sufficient living, and more!

There's a whole lot of inspiration from people you might not hear about or meet. Sometimes it's the ordinary people who have the most to share, if you stop to listen to their hearts! Some of these writers are 6-figure income earners. Some of them are pastors and teachers. Some are counselors. Some are authors and artists. Each one is precious to me and I hope you enjoy their stories as much as I do :)        Read More!



This page is still under construction and I'll be adding new stories and resources soon! Is there any topic you would like to read about? You may email me or leave a comment in the box below – THANKS! :)

Susan Schiller knows how it feels to lose everything: marriage and family, church and reputation, finances and businesses, and more. Susan's upcoming, interactive memoir, "On the Way Home," tells the story of how she came to be known as "the most abused woman" her counselors had yet met and how she learned to navigate her way out of hell to a rich and satisfying life. In her lifetime, Susan has served in duties ranging from home school mom – to pastor –  to full-time deliverance minister – and to Midwest regional prayer coordinator for a large international ministry. These days you can usually find Susan soaking in her favorite hot springs pool, reading a book (or several), blogging, baking bread, or hanging out with her family and friends. You can get a free copy of Susan's upcoming book, "On the Way Home" by registering here.

Copyright 2012, Susan Schiller, Permission is granted to copy, forward, or distribute this article for non-commercial use only, as long as this copyright byline and bio, in totality, is maintained in all duplications, copies, and link references.  For reprint permission for any commercial use, in any form of media, please contact Susan Schiller.

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