Free products, Free BMW, and An Extra Paycheck…. Take the 90-Day Challenge!

Relationships… Building the New Economy!

By: Susan McKenzie

What do you hear about the economy today? While the news media capitalizes on the chaos and shaking happening all around us, there are people who are passionately making a lot of money right now… and they are sharing it with you and me!

Every where I turned I heard people – well respected, successful people – telling me about this company and the 90-Day Challenge! I heard stories… like an 85-year man who just got a $25,000 bonus on top of his $10K+ per month income.

I wondered… was he a business tycoon? No, just an ordinary person like you and me… just like Raylene, a mom of two small children who worked as a hair stylist. Deciding to stay home with her children she started the BodyByVi 90-Day challenge and within a few weeks replaced her income and then went on to help 50 other people replace their incomes as well as helping thousands of others to add to their income.

Bobby found this company, just like the 85-year old man and Raylene… he is a pastor planting churches and now has more than replaced his income and can minister freely without drawing a paycheck from his church!

Bobby and I both graduated from Evangel University and we had a mutual friend on Facebook that connected us this company! That's pretty much how people find this company… it's mainly by referrals… but that's about to change…

Dr. Phil has just invited the founder of this company to be on his show… so… pretty soon the word is going national… just might want to get on board before everyone else knows about this!

That's what I did! I found three friends to get started with …. and we are IMPRESSED! This is really fun!

Impressed that ordinary people with no previous experience are replacing their incomes in less than a year… sometimes in just a few short months!

Impressed that once you have three people on your team you get free products every month! That's like getting a free breakfast and/or lunch every day!

Impressed that people are losing weight with a simple shake that tastes great!

Impressed that it's simple and easy to earn a BMW car!

But it's not enough that we three are impressed! The first thing we want to do is share the wealth!

What would you do with an extra $5000 per month? Or even if it were just $500 per month… what would you do with it?

No small thinking allowed here… thing bigger. How many people would you like to give full-time jobs to? Would you like to help more mommies stay at home to raise their kids? What about fathers who are straddling too many stressful jobs and not having enough time with their families?

This company is a vehicle to help you make dreams come true… realistically! This is a FREE gift you can share with as many people as you like… knowledge is powerful. It costs you nothing to share this information!

You simply share this same information with them, as I'm doing with you. You get a free website just like this one to help you!

Your second task is to allow our team to help your friends do the same thing.

Oh, and did you get that…. when you find your first three friends to join you on the 90-Day Challenge by getting their own products, your health products (we have amazing great-tasting nutritional products) are completely FREE!

That is the secret to this company's success… customers love to get FREE products and are motivated to remain customers!

And did I mention that you don't need to be a distributor or "join the company" to make money? Nope… about 75% of the people who join the 90-Day Challenge are customers… and they also get a free website and can earn money by referring these great products to other customers and get paid for referrals!

Would you join me on this mission to create more jobs in America, help the homeless in our own country and around the world, and just be better friends and neighbors… making the world a friendlier place?

I'll write to you, letting you know what's happening on our team, okay? Register below so we can stay connected!


{ 5 comments… read them below or add one }

Sherry Black August 4, 2015 at 2:24 pm

I am in your Kingdom.


David March 15, 2011 at 10:23 pm

I’ve lost 40 lbs so far. My mom who’s 78 has lost over 30, has had her blood pressure drop and is no longer using her walker. Her doctor asked her what she was doing because she knows how sedentary she is. She’s out playing bridge again, as well.
We’re also sending the meal replacements to a hospital in Zambia that was only giving patients 2 meals a week. There are no limits to what we can be creative with in this business to help ourselves and others.
And I make money doing this. Craziness, but the kind of crazy I really like.


Susan McKenzie March 16, 2011 at 4:15 am

30 & 40 lbs is amazing, but the health benefits and reduced medications….. plus being able to help feed the hungry…. I can definitely see what you “crazy” like it! Thanks for sharing, David!


Raylenelynas March 15, 2011 at 9:40 pm

Absolutely LOVE my shakes!!! Wouldn’t go a day without them!! I have two shakes a day and I can take them with me anywhere I go – no more fast food on the go – I now have a healthy, fast, easy and delicious choice!! Thank you Visalus!


Susan McKenzie March 15, 2011 at 9:57 pm

That’s awesome, Raylene! The Visalus shakes are so yummy and really hit the spot! Thank you for sharing 🙂


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