My Liposomal Vitamin C Story

My Liposomal Vitamin C Story

One of the most powerful anti-oxidants, vitamin C, is now considered to be a medicine in New Zealand, and hopefully soon in the rest of the world. With 75-years of scientific studies and evidence proving it kills the bad guys (viruses, bacteria, fungus, etc), the following information came at a valuable time in my life.

You know how much I believe in the power of life stories, right? Well, there was a man in New Zealand who was as good as dead. The doctors were going to pull the life support plug but the dead man's family pled for one last chance. Their idea was to try vitamin C… and with much documentation, this man is now alive and WELL! It's not a unique story, either… vitamin C (not the kind you buy in pill form at the store) is really making a huge difference and I want to help share the good news with my own little story, as well as instructions on how you can make a dose that is mega-times more powerful than store-bought pills for just pennies a serving… and it's much more bioavailable and easy on your digestive system.

My quick little story… After watching the same videos I'm sharing here, I bought the two products I needed to make the liposomal vitamin C for about $30. These two products (soy lecithin and ascorbic acid) will last a couple of months for two people taking it daily, so it's not expensive at all.

I had been bitten by a cat, right down to the bone. I went to a medical clinic and received an antibiotic via injection and an oral antibiotic. Neither of them worked. Cat bites are known to sometimes carry bartonella bacteria, which acts very much like Lyme Disease and it can be very tough to get rid of, even with good medical care. I got very sick. My lymph nodes were swollen; the right one was about half the size of a golf ball and extremely painful to touch.

When the antibiotics didn't work, I began taking liposomal vitamin C for the first time. Within a week of taking the liposomal, 8 oz a day, or about 7 grams, the lymph node was back to normal and the pain gone. I'm still continuing to take this dose daily because I feel it's so healthy, whether you're sick or not. There is no known toxicity for vitamin C, as there is with other vitamins. It gives me loads of energy!

I'm not a health professional, so please don't take this as medical advice… it's just my story and how I got introduced to liposomal vitamin C, along with advice from a friend who was already making it and taking it. As I did, you may want to do your own research, check with your doctor, and decide if lioposomal vitamin C is right for you!

60 Minutes made a movie of the New Zealand man who has his life back today, thanks to his family who advocated for him to receive vitamin c IV's…. here's the first segment:

This is the first part of a video produced by 60 Minutes

I recommend the following video for all of the scientific facts. Dr. Levy is one of the most knowledgeable physicians on the subject and has been successfully treating patients with both IV vitamin C and liposomal (oral) vitamin C for many years. His talk includes scientific links you can use for further research.

The following video is the one I used to create my first batch of liposomal vitamin C and he uses the same recipe that I've found all over the internet. So whenever you feel you're ready to get started, everything you need is right on this page!

{ 5 comments… read them below or add one }

Chris April 16, 2014 at 11:15 am

Although not directly on topic, I’m trying to get word out about a new process to make significantly higher potency liposomal vitamin C. I’m selling nothing (there are not even ads on the site), I simply want to help people make better liposomal vitamin C. 

Here is the link:




Paudie Callaghan October 6, 2013 at 6:22 am

Hi Susan, I loved your story and I love to hear story's like this. I'm grateful for you for sharing this Information with us and providing us with the videos. It's great news that you solved your problem from getting bit from the cat. The guys story is very touching, It's mad how the Doctor's where gonna pull the life support from him. Only for the family pled for one last chance. It's great to know that he is alive and well. Great story and Thanks for sharing 😉


Susan Schiller October 6, 2013 at 7:59 am

Hi Paudie,

Sharing the truth saves lives, and you are one who is helping to chip off the rest of my limiting beliefs…. thanks so much for sharing your videos on overcoming fear! i’m glad you enjoyed the liposomal vitamin c story – thanks for coming by and sharing 🙂



Eveliina October 6, 2013 at 12:12 am

Sounds amazing! I've known for a long time that food is the medicine, the benefits of vitamin D supplement and so on, but the power of C is perfectly new to me. Thank you for sharing!


Susan Schiller October 6, 2013 at 7:57 am

Thanks for reading and sharing, Evelina… liposomal vitamin C is not not new, but I’ve only recently been introduced to it myself – what a powerful and practical surprise!


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