Tracking a Psychopath

Tracking a Psychopath, Part 2

By: Susan Deborah Schiller     Part 1    Part 3

Trigger Alert: This article is intended for mature audiences and specifically for those who want to understand the inner working of sociopaths. It is not ideal for survivors who are working through the healing process. Please read with discretion.

The greatest evil today lurks behind the masks of Christian pastors and leaders. My goal is to expose the plans of the enemy because knowing your enemy gives you a much higher chance of survival. It's a foundation on which we can create abuse-free zones in our homes, churches, and communities.

For the past 14-years I have been actively engaged in tracking with psychophaths. In most cases, they were sent directly to me by pastors who didn't know what else to do with them. I was sent to special training and spent years learning what the experts in inner healing and deliverance had to share about pathological people.

I learned about trauma-based mind control, satanic ritual abuse, and how to help survivors resurface from those deep pits of hell. What I discovered, all around, is that there are some psychopaths who no one seems to be able to help. Over 90% of them return, like dogs, to their vomit.

I've come to the conclusion that even though some sociopaths are clearly out to lie, steal, and kill as many people as they can – whether spiritually, emotionally, or physically – there are some who genuinely feel the cold and dark void in their lives and they are seeking to be free.

They don't need more "grace" or more "love", which is how we normally try to help them. They need us to SEE them. Not as projects or missions or people who need support, but as the highly intelligent, diabolical enemies they are. This is their only hope; this is true grace.

“Foreknowledge cannot be gotten from ghosts and spirits, cannot be had by analogy, cannot be found out by calculation. It must be obtained from people, people who know the conditions of the enemy.”  ― Sun Tzu, The Art of War

I lived with them, ate with them, and invested years of my life listening to their stories.

They look, talk, and walk like ordinary people. In fact, they frequently hang out with evangelical and fundamental Christians. They are great preachers and teachers. You love to love them… they are that GOOD at mimicking.

If you try to counsel them, or in any way treat them like you would a normal person, you will not only fail, but you will put yourself and everyone around you in danger, as I unwittingly did.

I was behind enemy lines. You might call me an undercover spy. For me, that helps to put a little bit of humor into it, because the subject matter is entirely serious.

Let's quickly jump into the heart of it.

Everything that is of God is open to mimicking by the devil. The concept Jesus taught of being "born again" forms the core of our identity as Christians. In a mysterious way, beyond our understanding, we open our hearts to trust in God – the source of all Goodness, Wholeness, Strength, and Holiness. It's a childlike trust where we are invited into the most intimate relationship of all – that of Father and child.

I want to talk about this core subject – being born again. Sociopathic pastors LOVE to use the sinner's prayer, the four spiritual laws, the Romans Road to Salvation, and other methods Christians commonly employ to convert souls. I no longer can be party to this type of "evangelism". To the enemy, it's all a game. Satan laughs.

In a vision I was once taken into a meeting Satan had with his senior commanders. "Go ahead, let them get saved! It doesn't matter if they pray and become born again. Just watch to be sure they don't give Him their all," said Satan.

In this vision I became aware of the signature mark of true Christians: they give their all! They are wholehearted. They love the Lord their God with ALL their heart, soul, mind, and strength. And they love people, even laying down their lives for their friends. This is how you know you are a child of God. Still, a good psychopath can mimic a true child of God quite well.

We are Abba's beloved child and share the same inheritance (like a spiritual DNA) as Jesus. The relationship is so intimate, that we become "One" with God! Nothing can separate us from the love of God – and that's God's doing, not anything we could do for ourselves.

The children of the devil don't have this intimacy, but they know how to imitate and mimic it quite cleverly. And they feel the void; they crave what we have and they lack!

Therefore, the perfect prey is someone who has what they want!

If you track a psychopath all the way as he progresses from one end of the spectrum to the other, you can see what Luciferians really want: control of the world. They want "children" who will worship them in the same way God's children worship our Father in Heaven.

Think of Hitler, who filled the airwaves with his voice and manipulated crowds to worship and honor him.

We're designed to worship and live in an atmosphere where the airwaves are filled with praise and worship for Goodness and Truth.

In an atmosphere of awe and wonder, we are most like children of God and most capable of receiving and transmitting the energy vibrations of love, joy, and peace. The apostle Paul understood that change occurs at the root level when we focus on rejoicing and choose to think about all that is true and lovely, even in the midst of trauma and tragedy.

Luciferians, or socipaths, are different. The atmosphere around Luciferians is filled with palpable fear and is manipulated to keep people in constant fear. Therefore, they control the airwaves, nationally and globally. They also intentionally plant their offspring in local churches, to infect the atmosphere and to introduce a level of chaos and confusion, usually behind the scenes and in secret. They seek to change the atmosphere.

Some people are programmed for anarchy. They engage in random acts of chaos and violence.

Why do kind and generous school teachers suddenly go home and kill their children? Why do mothers and fathers suddenly point a gun at their loved ones and then turn the weapon on themselves? Why do ordinary next door neighbors kidnap teenagers, holding them captive for years in their house and no one hears about it until one of them, like Amanda Berry, escapes?

Pointless, you might wonder? Random acts of violence are PLANNED, in many cases.

How do I know? Because I listen to the stories. I listen and listen and record what I hear from the mouths of those programmed to the very things I just described. Why did they confess their crimes and their reasons for doing it? In some cases, because they wanted to be free. In other cases, because they found out what I was doing and wanted to keep an eye on me. In some cases, to gloat at my reaction. I have learned to be unmoved by anthing they say.

“Thus the expert in battle moves the enemy, and is not moved by him.” ― Sun Tzu, The Art of War

How do you create a "child of the devil"? Remember, Jesus knew he was about to be crucified and that he had little time left with his disciples. He warned them that they would experience what he had encountered. He also told them that there was so much more to share with them, but that they weren't ready for the information yet.

Sometimes God's knowledge is on a need-to-know basis. For me, I needed to understand sociopaths because I was married to one. My abuser out-and-out told me he was one of them, and then he proceeded to tell me how it all came to be.

I'll stop here, and pick up in the next post about the biological software inside a sociopath's mind and how it was installed, how it's maintained, and how you can de-program yourself. This information is not from the mouth of one sociopath, but is confirmed by the witness of many survivors and a man I met who taught me how to undo the programming.

“It is only the enlightened ruler and the wise general who will use the highest intelligence of the army for the purposes of spying, and thereby they achieve great results.”
― Sun Tzu, The Art of War

There are benefits to having lived with a sociopath, to being behind enemy lines. I intend to create abuse-free zones in my own home and community, as God gives me the grace and open doors of opportunity.

Hop over to Part 3, Understanding Mind Control & The Creation of "Children of the Devil"

Or hop back to Part 1, The Greatest Evil Today Lurks Behind the Masks of Christian Pastors and Leaders

My Full Story     What I Believe    Contact Me

With all my love,


Susan Schiller knows how it feels to lose everything: marriage and family, church and reputation, finances and businesses, and more. Susan's upcoming, interactive memoir, "On the Way Home," tells the story of how she came to be known as "the most abused woman" her counselors had yet met and how she learned to navigate to freedom and fullness.  
Today Susan helps people write their life stories, unearthing the treasures of their past and sowing them into their future, creating new family legacies.

Copyright © 2010 to 2015 Team Family Online, All rights reserved.   For reprint permission or for any private or commercial use, in any form of media, please contact Susan Schiller

{ 4 comments… read them below or add one }

Meg C November 13, 2017 at 4:46 am

Whoops….Perpetrator, not Perptrator


Meg C November 13, 2017 at 4:40 am

Dear Susan (White Dove) 🙂

Yeah!  I'm so glad my words encouraged you.  I hear you about the well-meaning friends who judge incorrectly.  I lost several who never spoke to me after I filed for divorce from my "sweet husband", who threatened to slash our little cocker spaniel's throat with a butcher knife.  And it seems like the majority of pastors teach (almost every week) about "staying together" and "praying for your mate" and "trusting God to heal your marriage" and "never separating what God brought together", etc. etc, etc.  All of that is good, and I did that for years like I'm sure you did.  But like you said, they assume all people who sit in church are good natured and truly have the heart of God inside of them.  They don't seem to understand evil.  They seem to have forgotten Jesus' warnings about the wolves in sheeps clothing.  I remember sermoms about not being unequally yoked.  But I never remember being warned about how the enemy might try to send a "perptrator" into my life to totally destroy me.

There seems to be a weak, watered-down, ooey-goey, twisted message of who God is and what love means.  Our Daddy God would NEVER want someone to be abused, threatened, stolen from, cheated on, or possibly murdered!   He is a Just God and He sees what is really happening and what's inside each person's heart.  He knows when someone will repond to love and forgiveness and prayer, and when they won't.  He knows the ones who really want to be delivered from demons, and the ones who don't.  I'm grateful that I had a counselor who showed me in scripture that God Himself had to divorce His people at one point for their perpetual spiritual adulteries and their evil intentions (Jeremiah 3:8). 

Anyway, I'm glad my words were encouraging to you.  I can't thank you enough for how your words have encouraged me.  🙂  I hope I didn't rattle on too long. 

Much love,  Meg



Meg C November 7, 2017 at 5:21 pm

Hi Susan,

I found your website in 2014 while going through a very painful divorce from my "soul mate". Your words back then helped me regain my sanity. My ex husband was abused as a child which led to a cocaine addiction, and I was a naive, unhealthy empath. Not sure if he was born a sociopath, or if the abuse plus drugs turned him into one.

It's been almost 4 years since our divorce was final and although I'm way stronger and healthier than I was back then, I still occasionally have the gamut of emotions that come from loving a sociopath….. ranging from being afraid of him and wanting him locked up….to feeling sorry for him….. from being grateful that God rescued me from him… still feeling twinges of guilt for divorcing him as I've watched his life unravel. He's an angry, drug addicted loner, living in an RV, who has alienated himself from anyone who is healthy…. returning to the vomit.  

Anyway, I just want to say that your website always helps to bring me back to truth. Every time I start to slide back into thinking about trying to contact him, for the purpose of somehow helping him, I open up your site and start reading. Sometimes I also watch crime documentaries (like 20/20 and 48 Hours) to remind myself of how cunning, dangerous and evil sociopaths can be. I want to stay aware of how the enemy loves to use them to try to harm us, especially by planting them in the church as pastors, leaders, counselors, prophets, worship leaders, etc.

All that to say….. thank you again for having this website. You and your words are a gift from God !!!Meg C


White Dove November 8, 2017 at 1:39 pm

You a God-sent gift to me, Meg! Thank you for sharing 🙂

Just today a dear Christian friend brought up “loving your husband” in a way that I knew she disagreed with me divorcing my wolf-husband. There are still so many well-meaning people who have never lived with the type of evil you and I know too well. They judge based on their own life stories. My friend has loved through thick and thin and her husband shows the marks of her constant prayers and compassion, but he is not a wolf. He’s not evil, just a normal wicked person who’s turning around.

Dr. Scot Peck, in “People of the Lie” helps us to understand there are 3 kinds of people: The Good, the Bad, and the Evil. It’s really this 3rd category that is most misunderstood.

I am truly glad that you are maintaining no contact. Your empathetic feelings and how you wish you could help are prefectly normal, in my opinion. I have felt the same! I’m so glad you are wiser today!

Meg, thank you so much – you have greatly encouraged me!


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