Thanksgiving 2010 – Give a Gift They’ll Never Forget!

You'll Be Glad You Did It!

Thanksgiving is the PERFECT time for storytelling! Think about it – do you have a burning question you would like to ask your grandparents? What price tag would you put on a life story written by (or for) your parents? When asked if they would like to know their parents' life stories, the majority of people shout, "YES!!!"

We can help you make Thanksgiving 2010 the most memorable holiday your family has ever had. The art of storytelling is making a comeback after a century of industrialization that produced a generation that feels more and more isolated and alone. This isolation has resulted in increased rates of anxiety and depression as well as a plethora of physical ailments. The basic need of humanity is to be loved! Listening is an act of love. Storytelling is therapeutic!

Thanksgiving is a time when generations come together – a natural opportunity to draw stories from your loved ones! We'd love to help make that easy for you – just grab a free copy of our "All-in-One" Life Story Book Kit below. It contains a book called "365 Life Story Interview Prompts" – all you have to do is choose from a number of interview prompts and you'll be amazed at how the stories begin to flow!

This is the essence of storytelling… you open up a window of your life and someone else responds to what you have shared.

Keep your camera handy, too! We'll show you how to convert those holiday photos into fantastic slide shows that will WOW your family! Then simply add them to the collection that may already be gathering dust in your closet and you're ready to publish!

Let's Get Those Old Photos and Convert Them to Exciting Media Shows!

Chances are you've got a shoe-box full of photos, old movies, and other memorabilia stashed away in a drawer, if you're like most families! Many people feel overwhelmed with knowing what to do with their photos, newspaper clippings, etc while other people happily spend hours filling scrapbooks and stuffing photos albums… all of which will fade away or be lost over the years. Even DVDs have a life expectancy of less than a quarter-century.

Long after Thanksgiving 2010 is over, you will have a lasting memory book that will be cherished forever! You can add to it in future years with a click of a button!

We're here to help every step of the way. Here are a couple examples of responses we get from the free 30-minute consultations we give freely:

Jeanne Costello shared:"You have a gift for listening and drawing out my story. You've made it easy!"

Andrea Smith shared: "This is a gift you have, Sue. I didn't know where to start but in just talking with you it all started coming together."

We Do All the Heavy-Lifting so You Can Enjoy All the Benefits Without the Hassle!

Our free "All-in-One" Life Story  Book Kit provides you with a step-by-step blueprint so simple anyone can do it. Prepare your content online and publish it nearly effortlessly into a beautiful hardcover memory book that will be cherished for many generations to come.  YOU CAN DO IT!

What makes our website unique is that we provide a step-by-step blueprint to create a living family legacy yourself for free. We provide assistance from start to finish, including resources for families who need to start from scratch and desire to create a NEW family legacy… one that ends negative cycles such as poverty, fear, shame, abuse, etc.

To get started right away, simply complete the form below and you will receive instant access to our FREE All-in-One Life Story Book Kit!

{ 1 comment… read it below or add one }

Anonymous November 25, 2010 at 2:11 am

How I wish something like this were available when my parents were still alive! We lost so many wonderful stories from that Mighty Generation.

Now it’s time to capture all THIS generation’s stories. I love what you’re doing!



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