Storm Kisser – Harnessing the Energy of Chaos to Create Beauty

Harnessing the Energy of Chaos

by White Dove

Who is this God who hovered over the waters, as we read in the book of Genesis…. a waste dump that was "formless and void". "Darkness covered the abyss…" In this wild and scary place, a wind blew. God's Spirit is most often described as a wind, – which can feel like a storm – and it "hovered" over this chaos. 

Is this what Love does? It moves into the uninhabitable places, harnessing the energy of chaos, and creates a beautiful place – a paradise. If this is the first picture we have of our Creator, we know He's not afraid of chaos or storms. Quite the opposite, He is attracted to chaos, as a mother runs to where her child is in trouble.

Who do You want to be in my life, this month, Papa? I once asked God.

"A storm kisser," he said.

A picture of dolphins relishing the crashing waves produced by a catastrophic storm came to mind. Dolphins capitalize on storms! They don't plunge deep to avoid the chaos; they leap to the surface and are charged by the energy of the storm! It brings the dolphins great JOY when storms blow the ocean's surface into mountainous waves. 

I tuned in and listened some more.

"Most of the one-eyed people only see one dimension, but with more eyes you can see beyond to multi-dimensions."

I thought of God as three persons, the Trinity. It's a huge mystery but real. Other biblical images popped into my mind, such as a writer describing God as having four heads, wings… and His Spirit like a vortex of energy, a wheel within a wheel, turning in any direction…. having many eyes. How these writers must have struggled to put pen to paper, describing God!

Listening more, I heard: "A body is a vehicle that can be used for a purpose and exchanged for another body when needed. It gives you mobility when you are on a planet." So that's how God decided to dwell on earth, enfleshed in a human body, so we could relate to Him on our level. Which gives me the idea that death really does lose its sting, because we have these spiritual bodies that simply get new skin.

A few mornings ago I awakened with a clear word, "I make you without sin – a piece of Me adorned with flesh." Wow, that's a thought I've been pondering on ever since!

Back to the dolphins…. talk about mobility! Scientists are fascinated by how dolphins move so powerfully in the water. It's beyond their understanding how a dolphin can race a boat and win! Is the secret in their skin? Does it somehow reduce drag, because dolphins don't have the muscle power to swim at the speeds they've achieved, so what is their secret? We still don't fully understand!

I began studying about dolphins… and it led me into deeply spiritual subject matter. I haven't mastered this subject, by far, but it fascinates me and maybe I'll write more another time about what I believe to be sentient creatures. For now, my curiosity is leading me to wonder who God wants to be for me today, as I ask His Spirit to hover over my own areas of chaos. 

This rambling is sometimes how my conversations with Daddy go…. but in the end, all I really want to know is, "Are we together in this, Daddy?" I know He never leaves me, but I have a track record of getting derailed by my own wanderings. Even so, He is my shepherd and always finds me. Sometimes I'm in pretty bad shape due to my lack of discernment or just plain old mistakes.

I'm still recovering from tremendous losses, in every way you can imagine. There are times when I've wanted to quit. I've begged to "go Home"! It's daunting to start over in the 5th decade of your life. Shame lurks in the formless void. Fears inhabit the dark abyss. How could something beautiful come out of this disaster zone?

Who is this God who wants to be a "Storm Kisser" – one who finds JOY in the storms of life? Who does He want to be in my life today? And what is He making of me, in the process, for my life is hidden in Christ and it's no longer I who live all by my lonesome, but He lives in me. How does that change things? What's it going to look like?

I am discovering that He wants to be known in the storms. He is making me a storm kisser, one who relishes the chaos, who isn't afraid of the darkness or the abyss. He wants me to enjoy the waves, to "grin in the face of disaster" and to "rule in the midst of my enemies". 

How can I be surprised, then, that so many storms have blown my way.

Like a dolphin, I can outrace the world's system and confuse the experts by living and moving and having my being in Christ – like putting on a new skin. I am "clothed in Christ," right?

For in him we live and move and have our being.' As some of your own poets have said, 'We are his offspring.' – Acts 17:28

And all who have been united with Christ in baptism have put on Christ, like putting on new clothes. – Galatians 3:27

If I am in Christ, and He lives in me, then there is so much JOY to be experienced in the storms.

What big wave is crashing over your head these days? For me, it's the thought of retirement, if there really is such a thing for someone like me.

I'm just starting over in my 50's and I still have "trauma brain" which means I can't muster the energy to tackle a new or better career right now. I gave my life to church and family and if you've read my memoir chapters up to this point, you know that is gone.

How will I live my life TODAY, in light of being clothed in Christ…. having this special covering that allows me to beat the world's system and outrace the best?

Can I imagine myself relishing the mountainous waves and plunging deep into the heart of God, to bullet up through the surface and fly, spin, and flip?

I become who I behold.  I write the following into my life story, just as God spoke into the darkness and said, "Let their be Light, and it was so and it was Good…..":

I will live like Jesus did, in the garden, praying. I won't worry about paying taxes, having enough food, or transportation. The ability to speed walk on water, to bless and multiply food, and to pull money out of a fish is inherent in my DNA. I am a new creature.

I am like a dolphin, a mystery to the world's experts, full of joyful abandonment into the heart of Love.

I want to experience my life, as it is in its current reality, through the eyes of God… a multi-dimensional perspective. How… by ascending to Heaven, to access His throne room of grace.

I choose a life of Love.

It's not something handed to me on a silver platter, this abundant life. It's a way of living that I'm not quite accustomed to yet, but I'm stretching my faith and leaning into the heart of God, gazing into His eyes, and focusing all my effort on living as His beloved by choosing Love over fear.

Writing Prompt: Taking a couple of the questions posed in this story, tune in to Papa God and listen from within your heart for His voice. You might sense a picture, a word, a song, or a whiff of something just for you. Don't second guess yourself, just begin writing. Use sentences that begin with "I will," "I am," or "I want" … those are creative phrases that precede a creative decree. Writing these decrees is powerful. You are rewriting your history!

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With all my love,

White Dove

Hi, I'm White Dove. Yes, it's my pen name, and it was given to me by a blind man who shyly whispered it to me in a Divine encounter. Yes, it's my real picture… just an ordinary selfie in my backyard. 

I live with my family in the mountains, surrounded by ancient forests, pure streams, and mighty rivers. I work at a local grocery store to earn my living. My earthly needs are simple as I try to let my inner child lead me, instead of me trying to be what the world says I should be and do.

My kingdom of God career is a Heart Scribe. I love to write from God's heart and have been recording His living Word for the past three decades. It's brought me so much beauty, joy, peace, and happiness! 

I love to inspire trauma survivors to write their life stories, unearthing the treasures of their past and sowing them into the future. We dip our pens in blood and write the pain away… as God has shown me how to do, in the company of supportive friends and family. We are writing ourselves into a better world and it's the most exciting place to be!

Copyright © 2017 Heart Scribes, All rights reserved.   For reprint permission or for any private or commercial use, in any form of media, please contact me. 

{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

Elaine Taylor August 24, 2017 at 12:30 pm

Dear Whitedove

How beautifully you write.  Yes writing your pain away and showing us how to recover our treasures.  

I will I am I want I choose

Love is my immediate thought to all those

Thank you for returning to your blog and for creating a sacred space for us.




White Dove August 26, 2017 at 4:49 pm

Thank you for coming by, Elaine…. your presence brings peace and beauty to my life!


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