Prayer for A Child at Risk

Prayer for a Child at Risk

By: Kimberly Dimick

We cry out for justice and mercy in Heaven's court, because the earthly justice system is inadequate at best, and abusive to abuse victims, at worst.


Romans 8 tells us that when we do not know how to pray or even what we ought to pray because the intensity of our trials puts us into a tailspin.

Lord so many trials are coming against our dearest sister, and so we come together with the Holy Spirit on her behalf and ask that God's might and power come to her aid and rescue.

I pray in her anxious thoughts that the Lord who is over every storm quells her fears and brings her a calming reassurance of Your presence.

Let Your will be done in this situation along with a feeling of certainty You are there with her. Go with her wherever she goes. Father we cannot go if You are not WITH us. Like Joshua of old, speak courage into her spirit as she has never known and let her know that You do go WITH her into this battle.

As You said to Joshua through Moses, to be strong and of a good courage because God goes before her. Father I ask that the enemy would be revealed in the light and all that is done in the darkness would be exposed for what it is.

I ask Lord that what this man has tried to do to harm her would come back on his own head, even as Haman hung on the gallows he built for Mordecai.

Be her advocate in the courts and let Your will be announced in the minds of those she stands before and declared openly through the decisions made. I pray that her Judge has a discernment from God to see the TRUTH. Turn her situation around in reversals that only God can accomplish.

Help her child at this impressionable age to know truth beyond his years. Let him see clearly that his mother is protecting him and hemming his life in so that he is safe from all harm.

I ask Father, in these moments of uncertainty and fear that the Holy Spirit intercedes before the throne of Almighty God for mother and son, praying in perfect harmony with God's will to come to pass.

I pray she is able to say that, "And it came to pass as the Lord has willed." God we know that this young man has such a deep ache in his heart from not having a good and kind Father to love him. He has this empty space he longs to have filled but does not understand it does matter what KIND OF man could fill that unmet need within. Help him to understand the difference so that his heart can heal and have an encounter with the living God who is and will always be his Father who is watching over him.

I ask, Lord, that these supplications and prayers would be answered swiftly and expediently for this family's sake. I thank you, God, that You ARE God and there is no one like You.

I thank you that You are even there to turn to when otherwise we would be utterly alone and forsaken. Father, step into this battle and overturn every evil plan. Contend with those who contend with this mother and save her child according to Isaiah's promises.

Destroy every weapon formed against her and turn it for GOOD. In Jesus Name. Amen.


Kimberly Dimick and her husband, Joshua Dimick, know how it feels to lose everything: marriage and family, church and reputation, finances and careers, and so much more. Together and separately they have walked the path of Love, a narrow path, a path that is lonely and not well-used.

They intimately understand the soul-shattering pain of separation and divorce and they also know "The Way Home" to a life of choosing unconditional love.

The surprising answers to a happy marriage are shared in her posts, articles, and their book-in-progress.

As you venture on this journey with Kimberly and Josh you will experience how God shines His most brilliant light in her darkest hours. Today their mission is to provide a voice to women suffering in silence, shining the Light of Truth into the dark places.

As you journey with Kimberly and Josh you will witness a true life transformation that will shatter the misinformation and lies commonly fed to women that keep them in false submission.

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