Linda South Honea speaks on Spiritual Freedom, Women’s Equality, and Family Values


carolyn xLinda South Honea has been a pioneer her whole life.  At 18 months she boldly went bra-less and diaper-less to follow the dog under the fence, out into the big world beyond the back yard.  At 6-years-old she stole the neighbor boys’ baseball equipment because they wouldn’t let girls play.  Linda was the first of her siblings to fly on a plane(remember Braniff Airlines?); and she has traveled the world many times since.  As a PFC’s wife, she was awarded the Molly Pitcher Medal (highest honor of the U.S. Army Artillery given to a civilian woman), when she started one of the first family support organizations at Fort Sill, OK.  While her family lived under terrorist threat in Germany, Linda and six other women led, served, and reassured 200+ women during Desert Storm.

2008 brought a battle that Linda didn’t have the “proper gear” for… betrayal, adultery, shunning, and a divorce that was worse than death.  She has since learned to find her true identity in 'being' rather than 'doing.'  Linda’s laughter and humor change the atmosphere!  Many folks have said that her words, albeit in heavily accented TEXAN, propel them forward courageously, and, that Linda is an authentic, honest woman of God.

"My heart's desire is to see that people are set free to live out their dreams, that women serve alongside men on any and all battlefields, and that families be reunited and restored."

You can read some of Linda's stories below!

Today, I awoke from a dream, which ended with me threading an old-fashioned projector.  The dream itself included old friends, family members, towns I’ve lived in, both past and present.  Plus, I was driving a big SUV in a hurry to go, go, go. 

What does that mean?!

As my dear friend, Sue says, “time to get naked!”, in other words, Linda… get real.

Honestly, I have been whining a lot lately.  I am extremely overqualified for my job.  I live in an apartment, not a house.  I’m single with no prospects (although, Lord knows I love companionship and being married).  I want to travel.  I want opportunities to teach and speak motivationally.  I want to use my gifts and knowledge. 

Then… my closest, beloved friend, Gail (not her real name), was invited to speak.  A national women’s group asked Gail to travel to my own state of Texas and teach.  After that, she will travel to Italy to speak. 

I am happy for her, but, I want to be asked!  I want to be important!!

I… I… I… I…

        Wait a minute, Lord?

                What about me?

Ha! The dream interpretation comes…. Read More

At the time, it was folly to me that I could think of the future, OR the past, with any kind of joy.  I was living in the day-to-day, the hour-by-hour, just trudging along through this unending present.

However, I promised myself on January 1st (no, not a resolution) that I would persevere through this 365-day devotional, no matter where it took me.  This day, February 1st, I asked myself:  What were your sweet dreams as a little girl?

First, I remembered my favorite books:  The Secret Garden, and the stories of a mysterious detective, Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle.  Then, a flood of childhood pictures came pushing through the cobwebs entangling my present… Read More


One of the things I most treasure about Linda is her sense of humor, faithfulness and perseverance, and her passion for prophetic dreams, visions, and connecting "divine threads". Okay, that was more than one thing, but really, there's a whole lot more of Linda to love, and I hope you get to meet her! Here's one of her stories:

In the summer of 1976, age 17, I was on a 6-week tour with an international youth group. I was one of five U.S.A. representatives chosen to participate. We toured the whole state of Texas and one of our stops was Victoria, Texas.

Victoria was a quaint town in South Texas with a beautiful courthouse. But, the outstanding moment for me was when the city hosts brought out a Red Double-decker bus. I had never seen one, much less ridden around or had my picture taken on one.

In 1981, I married Mike from Victoria, TX. I told Mike repeatedly about the Red Double-decker bus. He had lived in Victoria for 16 years and he was absolutely sure – there was no bus.

By 1982, I was almost convinced that I had confused the bus in Victoria for one in another town. Then something happened… Mike and I moved to Victoria to take temp jobs for the summer. Once day in June, we were driving around downtown Victoria and we turned a corner to see… Yes! It was the Red Double-decker bus parked beside an old building. The bus was older and not drivable, but there it was! I couldn’t stop cheering and Mike was stunned.    Read More

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