“When the Mess Becomes the Message” by Jessica Stone

When the Mess Becomes the Message

Video by: Jessica Stone who can be found here

My friend Jessica, a single mother of four beautiful children, recently made this video to update her friends, clients, and anyone in the world of her recent divorce. Why would someone want to share such a vulnerable and weak period of their lives with basically the whole world?

It's in our weakness that Christ becomes strong. He delights in using weak and broken vessels to share His message that His love is powerful enough to lift each of us out of hell, ESPECIALLY when we have no other means to save ourselves. We humans seem prone to landing in messes, you know?

Jessica's story will encourage you to believe for recovery, restoration, provision, and it will give you hope as you go through the dark times we all experience at various times in our lives.

Three of Jessica's children have challenging disabilities, so you can imagine Jessica has had many years to learn how to trust her Father in heaven to give her just the right words, just the right people in her life, and just the right opportunities to do exactly what her website is called: to love, to care, and to heal.

I hope you will join Jessica if you know of someone who is encountering severe challenges in their lives, whether with raising children with disabilities or learning to eat healthier. Jessica's positive influence is magnetic and contagious!



Our daughter has been fighting an undiagnosed neurological condition for several years. Our middle son just started school this year. And we have twin boys that are working through their terrific two’s (well, some days…).

My life is certainly not perfect. And I definitely don’t have all the answers. However, we certainly have been through a lot and have learned SO MUCH throughout this busy, hectic, but always-worth-it, LIFE!

I hope to be able to serve you and share with you some experiences that could help YOU. If you are a parent of a special needs child, we will be posting helpful information under “Living with a Special Needs Child.” For some fun times and good laughs, come see “A Day in the Life of a Mom.” My hubby is even giving you info from his side of things in “A Dad’s Perspective.” And of course, if you are interested in our journey to healing, visit our “Raw Foods & Paleo Journal” for adventures, advice, tips, and tricks.

Through years of researching health options for my daughter’s undiagnosed neuro-muscular condition, my passion is to share the unknown secrets to wonderful health that’s not spoken of in mainstream media. I love finding flavorful foods that are healthy, the best ways to combine them into wonderful, tasty dishes, and providing those recipes to you. Be sure to check out our Nutrition & Recipes section for all the goodies!

I also am a believer that God made our bodies to move. Fitness is an integral part of my daily routine.

I believe parents, moms in particular, need support now more than ever. You need to know you are not alone. I pray this website gives you hope, encouragement, and, of course, laughter as I crack the door (and in some cases, bust it WIDE OPEN) to shed some light on the areas of my life that I feel will help you.

Let’s live this wonderful life together!!!

– See more at: http://lovecareheal.com/jess/#sthash.GLsA2Ad6.dpuf

Our daughter has been fighting an undiagnosed neurological condition for several years. Our middle son just started school this year. And we have twin boys that are working through their terrific two’s (well, some days…).

My life is certainly not perfect. And I definitely don’t have all the answers. However, we certainly have been through a lot and have learned SO MUCH throughout this busy, hectic, but always-worth-it, LIFE!

I hope to be able to serve you and share with you some experiences that could help YOU. If you are a parent of a special needs child, we will be posting helpful information under “Living with a Special Needs Child.” For some fun times and good laughs, come see “A Day in the Life of a Mom.” My hubby is even giving you info from his side of things in “A Dad’s Perspective.” And of course, if you are interested in our journey to healing, visit our “Raw Foods & Paleo Journal” for adventures, advice, tips, and tricks.

Through years of researching health options for my daughter’s undiagnosed neuro-muscular condition, my passion is to share the unknown secrets to wonderful health that’s not spoken of in mainstream media. I love finding flavorful foods that are healthy, the best ways to combine them into wonderful, tasty dishes, and providing those recipes to you. Be sure to check out our Nutrition & Recipes section for all the goodies!

I also am a believer that God made our bodies to move. Fitness is an integral part of my daily routine.

I believe parents, moms in particular, need support now more than ever. You need to know you are not alone. I pray this website gives you hope, encouragement, and, of course, laughter as I crack the door (and in some cases, bust it WIDE OPEN) to shed some light on the areas of my life that I feel will help you.

Let’s live this wonderful life together!!!

– See more at: http://lovecareheal.com/jess/#sthash.GLsA2Ad6.dpuf

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