The Lord’s Battering Ram

Double for All Your Trouble!

By: White Dove

We are each a house, even a temple, for our King. Some of us have been so aligned with a spirit of religion that we've needed to be remodeled, to be fit houses for the King. And so, there is first a demolition process.

The following scene is from a dream, in which I heard a house talking. I discovered my Words are a battering ram – a force of both demolition and remodeling – and in this dream my soul was restored, even in the presence of my enemies.

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You can tell who an enemy is by their language of threats and accusations: 

"Who dares tread upon my doorstep? You fool, to enter my house your very soul will be snatched from the roots of your ancestors to your very last descendent. Right down to your very cells, your very DNA will cease to be no more. I will pound you, shred you, and make you my own ally in your demise.

Unloved child, you will slowly bleed to death, from the inside out. And everyone will point at you and say to each their friend, "She is to blame."

Your own friends and family are weapons at my disposal. Beware, child, your very soul is required of you."

I replied, "I am the Lord's battering ram. I may seem lowly and insignificant to you. I am dressed as a mere child, as you say. My Master's DNA runs through my veins, and nothing, not even death, shall separate me from His love. For I am His and He is mine.

I am His beloved child. And as such, I am the Lord's battering ram."

The house shuddered, but then rallied with another volley of threats. "No one has ever challenged me and lived to see the day. Who are you, so rejected and despised, to cross my threshold? You're obviously weak and fragile – easy prey."

I am weak, I cannot deny it. I may get weaker still. But in my weakness is my greatest strength, for I must rely solely on Him. Greater is He that is within me than the darkness inside of you.

I am His beloved child, His battering ram."

The house that once seemed so frightening, so intimidating and threatening, began to tremble. Once more, it gathered its forces and put out the greatest threat it could muster, disguised as an invitation.

"Do come in, child. Be my guest and I will teach you everything I know. You will be favored with recognition, showered with praise, and everyone in the kingdom will bow in your presence. Nothing shall be withheld from your grasp. What's mine is yours and what's yours will be mine. A partnership, you see?"

I am His beloved child. I am meek, and you see me as one who doesn't own anything. I am poor, and you see me as penniless. I am hungry and thirsty, and you see me as needy. I am despised, rejected, and persecuted among my own people, and you think that I would serve you to gain favor and popularity?

I am BLESSED, you see, even in my poverty. I am BLESSED, even in my shame. I am BLESSED, with the favor of my King. I am His battering ram.

The ground seemed to quake and the great house moaned and groaned. "Oh, I am undone. I see I am defeated, for you are no longer a poor child. I see the King in you and I am through. I am sorry for the pain I put you through. I will restore to you all that was lost and give you double for your trouble."

In the blink of an eye the house crumbled and fell to pieces. In its place stood a stately mansion by a lake.

Who does God want to be, in this time, for you? Your enemies are employed to help you become the person who can shape those dreams into reality. Once you become that person, those enemies are fired! They disappear and are gone for good!

What the enemy means for ill, God turns around for good!

Choosing love,

White Dove

PS  This story is based on Jesus' signature speech, the Sermon on the Mount, found in Matthew 5. I woke up with it today… about BEING meek, hungry and thirsty for righteousness, a peacemaker, merciful, etc. 

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{ 4 comments… read them below or add one }

Susan Schiller January 13, 2015 at 7:40 am

In a vision I saw an old and completely dilapidated house.  The foundation was cracked the exterior siding was rotting, and it needed new windows and roofing.  The interior of the house was badly damaged and in need of repair.  I watched as the cracks in the foundation were filled in, and the exterior of the house, roof and windows were replaced.  In the interior, the wiring and  plumbing were repaired, the walls were replaced and painted, and the appliances were upgraded.  What was once condemned became a beautiful habitation.  And, the Lord said, "Behold, My House!"


Ephesians 2:19-22 Now, therefore, you are no longer strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God, having been built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ Himself being the chief cornerstone, in whom the whole building, being joined together, grows into a holy temple in the Lord, in whom you also are being built together for a dwelling place of God in the Spirit.  


Joyce Lagana July 24, 2014 at 11:46 pm

YES!  Victory as we stand and proclaim who we are and WHOSE we are!  What a marvelous picture you have painted.  I believe you are the Lord's battering ram — solid gold and knocking down the evil structures that are trying to supplant the true church.  Never give up, never turn back, never quit!  


Susan Schiller July 25, 2014 at 6:59 am

“Evil structures that are trying to supplant the church….”

Yeah, and we are His church… they go directly after us.

You are sounding the battle cry of a general, to never give up, never turn back, never quit…. AMEN!


Susan Schiller February 5, 2014 at 2:32 am


The decisions that you make at this time will produce extraordinary and lasting results.  Take the time to ask for wisdom as you consider the choices you make in this season.  Be sure that whatever you decide comes from a heart of integrity and sincerity.  Be honest about your motives, and keep your conscience clear at all times, says the Lord.  Take full advantage of the opportunities to be built up and not torn down.  — Marsha Burns

Jeremiah 42:10  If you will still remain in this land, then I will build you and not pull you down, and I will plant you and not pluck you up. For I relent concerning the disaster that I have brought upon you.


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