Is God in Control when Kids are Murdered for Speaking Up?

Is God in Control When Kids are Murdered?

By: Susan Schiller   Photo Credit: Jim Palmer

A friend of mine shared a recent family story, which you can read about at Lancaster Online. It's a story none of us wants to hear, but it shows the real terror of what happens when victims of sexual predation speak up. It's my hope that in sharing these stories more LIGHT will pierce the darkness and wake up the GOOD PEOPLE who can be God's hands, eyes, ears, and mouth – each of us in our local communities and churches!

A friend of the family sexually molested both daugthers. They spoke up and he was arrested and put in jail. He got out on bond, invaded their home, and killed the mother and one daughter. The other daughter was away. Two beautiful women's lives perished!

How is God in control with kids are murdered, right next door to good people who could help?

Jim Palmer says: People often use the phrase, "God is in control." It's a way we soothe ourselves when the randomness of life seems cruel and painful. We like the idea that God has a plan and is continuously weaving together the circumstances of our lives to achieve it.

But perhaps consider it this way. Life is never random because life is not what happens to you, but is what you create out of what shows up in each moment. In other words, God is "in control," not because God is pulling all those strings in the background to make everything work out one way or another, but God is "in control" because God endowed us with the capacity to create our experience of life.

God is in control through you and me! And if we fail to be involved in our families and friends' lives, we are failing to live out the only command God's given us: to LOVE the Lord with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength and to love our neighbors.

So we keep speaking up. We keep telling our stories. We go public.

And sometimes we get murdered. But that's not on God. He didn't "allow" the murder or cause it to happen. Nor, was He too late to rescue the victims. WE HAVE FAILED!

A few days ago I helped a victim of sociopathic abuse visit her daughter, who the judge had given full custody to her molester-father. On the way out of the neighborhood, he launched his car directly in our path. We barely missed colliding with him, and for the next several minutes we were never certain if he was pursuing us or had given up trying to run us off the road.

I also helped put another perpetrator in jail, and we have to keep monitoring if he goes out on bail. He knows where we live. The legal process is slow and cumbersome. It's usually on the side of protecting the abusers – that's reality. The victims may live with YEARS of hypervigilance, never knowing when their abuser will return to hurt them, perhaps fatally.

All those threats to kill us? Yeah. Those "threats" – is verbal violence to be considered as nothing until murder happens? And then what?

But this is a people battered and cowed, shut up in attics and closets, Victims licking their wounds, feeling ignored, abandoned. – Isaiah 42

These victims have been silenced. They are hidden, even in plain sight. You can find them in every church pew on Sunday mornings. Some of them are pastor's wives, church leaders, and children of pious people.

Ask God to give you HIS eyes, ears, and mouth. Ask God to help you to FEEL as He feels. This is a prayer I've prayed my whole life. And it's uncomfortable, because it's a prayer God answers every time.

You'll begin to see things you don't want to see. You'll know what's really happening behind closed doors. You'll speak up and be judged. You'll be threatened, shunned, and exiled. You might get yourself killed.

But you'll be saving lives. Remember who you are! Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world, right?

It's for FREEDOM that Christ came to show us the Way of LOVE! Love overcomes evil!

God is in control through you and me. We are the sons and daughters of God manifesting on this earth, setting things right, and creating change by BEING Christ in our families, churches, and communities!

Let's STOP domestic violence by BEING GOD'S HANDS, EYES, EARS, AND MOUTH! Let's be change agents by waking up, rising up, and speaking up! 

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With all my love,


Susan Schiller knows how it feels to lose everything: marriage and family, church and reputation, finances and businesses, and more. Susan's upcoming, interactive memoir, "On the Way Home," tells the story of how she came to be known as "the most abused woman" her counselors had yet met and how she learned to navigate to freedom and fullness.  
Today Susan helps people write their life stories, unearthing the treasures of their past and sowing them into their future, creating new family legacies.

Copyright © 2010 to 2015 Team Family Online, All rights reserved.   For reprint permission or for any private or commercial use, in any form of media, please contact Susan Schiller

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