The “Crossing Over” Prayer

parting the red sea

Crossing Over

By: Kimberly Dimick

You have seen the last of dread and the excruciating pain of this ordeal.

God is proclaiming a new day over your life. The LORD is coming in, like a flood, to drown your enemies, even as God did at the Red Sea. The horses and chariots of man cannot withstand the resurrection power of God. God will open that way through the sea of your problems.

God is unleashing that mighty power against all manner of the enemy’s devices, schemes, and plans. He is delivering you out of every trouble and out of the pit the enemy thought he prepared for you, and expected you to remain stuck in.

You may feel at first, in “shock,” but that shock will turn to awe at God’s wonders released on your behalf. This is the key of His Kingdom… that He looses from heaven to earth His own will concerning YOU. You will regain your bearings and realize you are right in the middle of a miracle.

Remember when the Israelites passed through “all night long”? They felt afraid as the wall of water surrounded them, but what seemed like fear was actually a MIRACLE-IN-PROGRESS!

Look up, your salvation draws nigh. Even as Moses declared, “Do not be afraid, for His salvation shall pass before your very eyes!!!”

You are loved and the Lord has promised from long ago that He would not only go before you, but He would always be your rear guard, as His angels come up around you to flank you about from behind.

In Jesus’ Name… in Jesus’ Name… AMEN!


PS  For more writings, blessings, and prayers from Kimberly, click here!

Kimberly Dimick and her husband, Joshua Dimick, know how it feels to lose everything: marriage and family, church and reputation, finances and careers, and so much more. Together and separately they have walked the path of Love, a narrow path, a path that is lonely and not well-used.

They intimately understand the soul-shattering pain of separation and divorce and they also know “The Way Home” to a life of choosing unconditional love. The surprising answers to a happy marriage are shared in her posts, articles, and their book-in-progress.

As you venture on this journey with Kimberly and Josh you will experience how God shines His most brilliant light in her darkest hours. Today their mission is to provide a voice to women suffering in silence, shining the Light of Truth into the dark places. As you journey with Kimberly and Josh you will witness a true life transformation that will shatter the misinformation and lies commonly fed to women that keep them in false submission.

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