What is a Soul Quest?

Many cultures around the world incorporate a “Vision Quest” when a person wants to deeply connect with their Creator. They may be seeking purpose and direction for their life or some other reason, but it’s a special time of solitude and silence where they realize they will be tempted and tested by their deepest fears. They will have the opportunity to push past those fears and to break through to a new level of spiritual knowledge and experience.

Jesus is an example of someone who entered the wilderness voluntarily to experience solitude with God. He faced three of the greatest temptations known to man. When he came out of the wilderness he was equipped to pursue his life purpose.

This page contains a listing of articles detailing my own personal soul quest, through the years. If I were to briefly summarize the theme of these stores, it would be this:

Whenever my life is not going as I wish, I know I need to re-open my soul map. This usually has meant going off into the wilderness. I still went to work, for the most part, and continued with daily responsibilities, but I took massive amounts of free time to explore the depths of my soul.

Some of my stories will take you into the high plains desert where I lived with a Native American family, or along a river bank where I learned to live apart from the mainstream, or in a forest where I faced wild animals.

I have lived in many places with diverse types of people and experiences and each person and place taught me lessons about my own soul.

But where it all began to come together for me was when I met the retired rocket engineer and he showed me a map of my own soul. With 100% accuracy he explained to me my whole entire life story in just a few minutes!

Using my own soul’s map he showed me my married life, my family of origin life, my career life… everything. All without ever knowing me or hearing my story!

No counseling. No dredging up my past. Nope.

Just my own “Book of Life” recorded in my soul, blinking and blazing like a star whose song is heard by all who have ears to hear.

This is for everyone, my friend! You really want to hear your own soul’s song!

Click over to “Activate Your Soul’s Blueprint” and let’s get together to dive into your own depths! What the rocket engineer did for me, I can now do for you!

Cowgirl Up! By: White Dove A little part of my own memoir… My husband and I were invited to manage a ranch, that they wanted turned into a House of Prayer. Stepping foot into the sprawling, 5,000 sq ft barn-turned-into-a-house, we took the bull by its horns and began cleaning and decorating the newly constructed […]


In the Midst of Chaos is Opportunity By: White Dove Chaos poured out of the sky, down to earth, in the form of hideous monsters that took foot, running, as soon as they reached earth. Each had an assignment of terror and destruction; their targets already marked. I looked for the source of this chaos […]


Voice of the Moon Flower By: White Dove The scorching desert was anything but barren, and it became my classroom for the year 2011. From living in the corner of a hayfield to camping alongside the Big Horn River, it’s where I learned to survive… and through trust, to thrive. The desert was better than […]


Financing Your Dreams By: Susan Deborah Schiller My husband and I had been working on a dangerous job, loading out hazardous materials in a petroleum coke field until he got hurt. When our boss read the doctor’s report he terminated us both the day after I brought home my own “Bionic Man“, a computer installed in […]


Curing the Sting of Betrayal: Caught in a Smear Campaign By: White Dove Living, working, or ministering with a sociopath will eventually result in a smear campaign launched against you. That's just how these things work, nearly every time. Even Jesus was betrayed by someone in his own team. If you can switch over from […]


A Flower Still Blooms By: White Dove In the deep silence of a rural Wyoming midnight, there was no immediate answer to my questions. Just a whisper, an invitation to see sociopathic abuse through a new lens. It is a year I’ll never forget, a season of walking a solitary path through the dark night […]


Emerging from the Shadowlands By: White Dove This is a story for those who feel like they have fallen through the cracks – misunderstood by peers, shunned, or even exiled. It's for those who the doctors have not been able to help. It's for the quiet ones who stay at home, preferring not to engage […]


. The Antidote to Shame is Empathy By: White Dove Inside of each of us is a Light so bright it has the power to create a new world. “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that […]


At a Native American Powwow Clowns and Laughter Change the Atmosphere! By: White Dove I lived through a nightmare, but why? I was the ultimate "good girl," even a "goody two-shoes," as someone once named me. It took a long time for me to understand that "nice people" are usually the source of the greatest […]


Duplicity – Living a Double Life By: White Dove My husband, a church leader also, was a pathological liar. But what was I? I was lying every day, every time I smiled. Every time I taught in church.  I lied every time I assured people I loved my husband and my husband loved me.  I […]


What Do You Want? By: White Dove What if a simple question, "What do you want?" were to reset your compass needle? What if following your dream is a God-given mandate that you not only deserve but are required to pursue? It certainly helps to know your destination! As an abuse survivor, I discovered that […]


The Lone Rancher Lessons By: Susan Schiller I looked out the window and said to myself, "Sue, you've got to get those horses out of the pasture and into the corral." My husband usually took care of that. He just saddled up and rounded those horses right into the corral. I was just in the […]


We Shall Overcome Part One of "Secret Heroes"  Part Two of "Secret Heroes"  Part Three of "Secret Heroes" By: White Dove One of my church leaders threatened to rape me. A second leader claimed he was going to torture me with knives, beginning with my feet and working up. In cohoots, my husband threatened to take piano wire and slice […]


Mission Impossible By: White Dove Sharing a condensed version of a chapter in my memoir… My husband and I were only 40-some years old when life as we had known it ground to a sudden halt. We both lost our jobs and moved to the wilderness following a severe spinal injury. After two years of […]


Part Two of the “Secret Heroes” Saga: A Lakota Rescue For Part One of “Secret Heroes”, click here For Part Three of “Secret Heroes”, click here By: White Dove It was New Year’s Eve in the middle of a freezing cold Wyoming winter and I was recovering from a particularly traumatic episode in my life […]


Innocence Restored: Becoming the Girl I Used to Be By: White Dove Today our activation takes us into all the places of our childhood where our Light shined brightest! This is where you take those photos we’ve been collecting and start to write a little story for each. This is preparation for establishing our identity […]


Star Trails By: White Dove Photo Credit: Rod Schaefer used with permission. There's something powerful inside us that is meant to glow in the dark. I don't believe we're simply meant to "grin and bear it" when bad things happen, like kids who hide under the covers when something scary makes a noise in the […]


Write Through Me By: White Dove Vulnerable. Naked. Unashamed. Transparent. Me??? Anyone who's ever known me personally can bear witness that I love the background. Solitude and quiet are my companions of choice. Let others raise their hands and speak up. It takes me so much longer to formulate my words – it's just best […]

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“The One” Secret Heroes, Part 3 Secret Heroes 1 Secret Heroes 2 By: White Dove It was a stuffy late spring day in sixth-grade language arts class and I was incredibly bored. I let my mind freely wander during the redundant lessons. Our chairs faced forward, prohibiting us from glancing out the windows. The vast […]


Secret Heroes – Do You Have One in Your Life? By: White Dove Loaded down with nearly all my worldly goods, including the rocking chair my mother cuddled me to sleep in as a baby, an old iron bell that she used to call us children home for dinner with, and heaps of boxes, my […]