Day 25: Author of our Destiny

Author of our Destiny

By: Susan Deborah Schiller

From the "Write to Freedom" Mini Memoir Series

Who's writing the story of your life? Your story shapes your destiny. Are you where you need to be, to fulfill your destiny?

Each of us is making choices today. As I read the news headlines I see that a father has chosen to beat his son 60 times with a belt. The headline reads, "Is it Crime or Punishment?" I don't see God authoring that story.

Wars rage on several continents. Earthquakes and starvation. Sex traffic is spreading like gangrene. With all of the believers on planet earth, if God is authoring our stories, where is God when bad things happen in our own homes and communities?

When I see churches on nearly every street corner, in some towns, and steeples rising everywhere, I used to think to myself, "This city must be special – it must be safe – it must feel like heaven." In reality, as I lived in those towns, it was just the opposite. 

"We are the authors of our destinies, the pioneers of our lives. And yet, our world is made of patterns – eternal truths that appear and repeat, over and over, across the millenia. For it is only by standing on the shoulders of our past that we can truly gaze into the future." – from the television show, "Touch". 

Where are the heroes – the champions – who will BELIEVE and become the change we need to see? I believe they are you and me. Ordinary people are the champions of change.

I don’t care where you went to school or how much money you make. I believe in ordinary people and their ability to change this world. — Brad Meltzer

My core belief is that I am groomed by God to grin in the face of disaster because His Love never fails. He is supremely confident in His ability to convert evil into Good, and therefore, I can face the future with confidence. I can create my world. I no longer need to bow to forces that are challenged by my truth; instead, I triumph over those forces and they are on the run.

I choose to be the heroine of my own life story. It's not a time to be passive, to give up to  Fate. It's time to Rise Up. To be a Warrior

You. You. YOU have a voice. And it is uniquely yours. But where it lands you can’t control. Speak for the ones who need you, and not the ones who don’t. — Esther Emery

Today I read an article about the rising up of ordinary good people, who are helping to rescue girls out of the sex trafficking trade. This particular quote moved me deeply (bold is mine):

Ballard believes the only way the horrific practice will be stopped is if the public rises up and demands an end to it. He believes many have become complacent, as they did during the 1800s, and need to be awoken to the horrors of what’s happening around them.

That’s where men like Gerald Molen — the producer of hits like Jurassic Park, Schindler’s List, and Minority Report — and Mark Mabry, the creative director at Glenn Beck’s company, come in. Both are working to expose the trade to as many as they possibly can.

Mabry even acted as a “buyer” in one of Ballard’s sting operations, so he would know exactly what goes into saving a child.

“I want you to look into the eyes of evil,” Ballard told him. “I want you to hold slavery in your arms in the form of a child, so you can go back and tell the people what we are doing and what the problem is all about.” — Erica Ritz

Ballard states is as it is, as I saw it in multiple dreams. We need to speak up. Our voices raised collectively, baring our hearts, daring to be vulnerable, risking exposure, will WAKE UP THE SLEEPING GOOD PEOPLE, and the good people will end this tragedy of hosting and entertaining evil in our midst!

I choose to rise up. I choose to not be silent. I choose to expose evil, to write about it so that good people can see it face-to-face… so that they can take it home to their communities and raise up warriors in every town and village.

You are the author of your destiny, the pioneer of your life. To know your story is to be able to write your future. For then we know God, we know ourselves, and together with our Creator we are writing God's story in our own life stories. 

Will I choose carefully today, based on my core beliefs? Or will I shrink back, and do what is safe?

I'm not always strong. I have to coach myself, motivate myself into action, or my tendency is to procrastinate, to linger in the background, to fear. I choose to live without fear… and to believe that many more will rise up to become the heroes and heroines this world so desperately needs. I believe with Brad Meltzer that ordinary people are the heroes who are changing the world!

Your Day 25 Activation is to consciously evaluate the choices you are making for yourself, for your family, and for your future. Are you doing what needs to be done, to take you toward your destiny. Are you moving farther away from your destiny? Do you know your destiny, your life mission? Have you written it down?

Sometimes we end up in the Shadow of Death because it's on our path to our destiny. When bad things happen it's often part of our story and the Author knows we've got to go through it. But other times, we aren't listening very well to the Author and so we find ourselves slipping and sliding away, or dead in the water. 

Is there one thing you can do today, that you've been procrastinating on doing, that you can take 15-minutes and get started?

Living the adventure and choosing love today,


PS As for me, I have a chapter to write in "On the Way Home"!

Susan Schiller knows how it feels to lose everything: marriage and family, church and reputation, finances and businesses, and more. Susan's upcoming, interactive memoir, "On the Way Home," tells the story of how she came to be known as "the most abused woman" her counselors had yet met and how she learned to navigate her way out of hell to a rich and satisfying life. In her lifetime, Susan has served in duties ranging from home school mom – to pastor –  to full-time deliverance minister – and to Midwest regional prayer coordinator for a large international ministry. These days you can usually find Susan soaking in her favorite hot springs pool, reading a book (or several), blogging, baking bread, or hanging out with her family and friends. You can get a free copy of Susan's upcoming book, "On the Way Home" by registering here.

Copyright 2010-2014, Susan Schiller, For reprint permission for any private or commercial use, in any form of media, please contact Susan Schiller.

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