A Right to Be Loved

She Has a Right to Be Loved

By: Kimberly Dimick

I find that many ministers are not bold enough to confront men about being tyrants in their homes.

So MANY women are silenced–their voices squelched from even crying out to be rescued. Why? The Church will not believe her. This is the worst stain upon the Church.

Usually, the going teaching is to tell women to stay in abusive marriages. The going patriarchal teaching is a breeding ground for such abuses being allowed to continue under our noses. We need to heed God's anger at injustice!

Being a by-stander to abuse and never speaking up or speaking out means that we are as guilty as the perpetrator.

At least some delineate the reasons why divorce is permissible–a far cry from those that claim marriage is permanent under ANY and ALL circumstances. The Church, however, is still failing to recognize that domestic abuse toward WOMEN is running rampant from the pulpit to the pew in MOST Churches. It is only when one makes themselves aware about abuse–and what the nature of abuse actually is, that it can be truly be confronted, and then being about the business of rescuing its victims.

The reason God hates divorce is because of the treachery and violence of the HUSBAND toward the wife of his youth and that this AFFECTS her. God is about PROTECTING His daughters.

Why the Church insists on telling women to "get over it," is beyond me. That is a lie. She should push back against any and ALL abuse. It is actually RARE for a woman to be the abuser in a marriage as she is naturally the responder. Her responses to being abused are NORMAL. When a woman reacts to being abused it is because she really IS being mistreated. Demanding and insisting that a husband treats his wife properly and respects her rights to be loved-by laying his life down for her–IS not her idea but God's.

It IS abuse when a husband suffocates her person-hood, in ANY way!! This happens most often under the guise of such false teaching as, " wife submit". It is spiritual abuse and is honestly the worst of all abuses because it goes after the very character of God and distorts it.

She has a RIGHT to be loved.

"It is self-defense not abuse when you are trying to keep someone else from taking your rights away. The reason this gets tricky is because the controlling man will often say that you are trying to take his rights away, because he thinks he has the right to abuse you" ~Lundy Bancroft

Click here for more articles written by Kimberly Dimick


Kimberly Dimick and her husband, Joshua Dimick, know how it feels to lose everything: marriage and family, church and reputation, finances and careers, and so much more. Together and separately they have walked the path of Love, a narrow path, a path that is lonely and not well-used.

They intimately understand the soul-shattering pain of separation and divorce and they also know "The Way Home" to a life of choosing unconditional love.

The surprising answers to a happy marriage are shared in her posts, articles, and their book-in-progress.

As you venture on this journey with Kimberly and Josh you will experience how God shines His most brilliant light in her darkest hours. Today their mission is to provide a voice to women suffering in silence, shining the Light of Truth into the dark places.

As you journey with Kimberly and Josh you will witness a true life transformation that will shatter the misinformation and lies commonly fed to women that keep them in false submission.

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