A Quantum Leap

A Quantum Leap

By: White Dove

Just before first light, I awakened with the thought, “Take a quantum leap!”

Startled, I arose from bed and fired up my computer, plugging in “definition quantum leap”. Merriam-Webster defines the term: “An abrupt change, sudden increase, or dramatic advance.

In November of 2006, I attended a conference where David Van Koeveringa quantum physicist and inventor, taught us how to “pop a qwiff” and the power of frequencies, sounds, music, and the spoken word in creating our world. Ray Hughes and Joann McFatter were also there, and they performed some amazing scientific demonstrations using the power of music and sound.

What is “popping a qwiff”? I am reviewing a little of David’s book, “The Physics of Heaven” and here is how David explains how to prepare to take a quantum leap:

I suppose the duality of matter being waves or particles and how quantum mechanics attempts to explain this revolutionary idea changed me forever. It caused me to do my own research, which led to the convergence of quantum mechanics and my personal spiritual revelation. I was about to take a quantum leap!

1 Corinthians 1:28 says, ”…God (has) chosen…things which are not (the invisible) to bring to naught things which are (the visible).” This Scripture makes sense only when you understand it at the atomic and subatomic level. Everything is made up of atoms, which are frequencies of energy. These frequencies of energy are the voice of Jesus causing all things to be! Atoms are made up of subatomic particles, and subatomic particles are made up of superstrings (which are toroidal vortices of energy). Superstrings are tiny donut shaped packets of energy that spin at a frequency – or sing as in a pitch.

None of this is real in this dimension because they exist only in a state of possibilities until someone observes them. Then, at that observation, the potential becomes a thing – a particle or a wave. This quantum wave collapse, caused by observation, is called popping a qwiff. This is your first step to taking a quantum leap.

Okay, so now we’ve discovered THE FIRST STEP to taking a QUANTUM LEAP is SEEING by FAITH! 

This feels a bit like outer space exploration, to me! 

You can see or observe a God qwiff (something God shows you that is not yet real in this dimension) and, by observing or popping that qwiff, cause that potential to become your reality. Be careful what you see; you are going to get it! Be careful what you say; you will get that, too! – David Van Koevering

Maybe another way to say it, is “What you see is what you get. What you believe is what you will receive.” This is one thing I see clearly:

My inheritance is to “SHAME the things which are strong and to NULLIFY the powers of this world. The world groomed me for abuse, but God’s been grooming me to grin in the face of disaster! As the author of my life, He set up “mission impossible’s” for training, to show me that all things are possible, with God. 

What is the current “mission impossible” in your life? It’s time to take a quantum leap, to grab hold of God’s vision for you, so WRITE IT DOWN – all the promises, visions, and dreams!

WRITING PROMPT: Faith takes you out of natural vision and gives you God’s vision. What has God promised you? What’s your “God qwiff”? Have you written it down? Chances are, all hell has broken loose over that promise. 

KEY TRUTH: The story you dread to write is the story that holds the key to unlocking your best future. The stories with the strongest emotions, the stories that have caused the most change, are the stories that create your world.

As in baking a cake, even the bitter things are being combined to make something rich and beautiful! Go ahead and write that hard story – an “impossible” story!

Then consider: What has God promised you? What have other people you trust spoken about you? Have you written it down? Have you publicly declared it? Why not send me a note and let me know how you’re doing? 🙂

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With all my love,

White Dove

White Dove

Hi, I’m White Dove. Yes, it’s my pen name, and it was given to me by a blind man who shyly whispered it to me in a Divine encounter. Yes, it’s my real picture… just an ordinary selfie.

I live with my family in the mountains, surrounded by ancient forests, pure streams, and mighty rivers… but I also travel quite a bit.

My kingdom career is a Heart Scribe. I love to write from God’s heart and have been recording His living Word for the past three decades. It’s brought me so much beauty, joy, peace, and happiness!

I love to inspire trauma survivors to write their life stories, unearthing the treasures of their past and sowing them into the future. We dip our pens in blood and write the pain away… as God has shown me how to do, in the company of supportive friends and family. We are writing ourselves into a better world, beginning with discovering our own original design recorded in the DNA of our soul, and it’s the most exciting place to be!

Copyright © 2018 Heart Scribes, All rights reserved.   For reprint permission or for any private or commercial use, in any form of media, please contact me. 

{ 7 comments… read them below or add one }

White Dove August 14, 2018 at 12:43 pm

Michael Roads shared today: " In many peoples everyday lives blame, anger and pain is waiting to ambush them. Many, maybe most, people will often have an opportunity to choose Love . . . or to not choose at all, and they will be ambushed. When we are suddenly confronted by a negative or violent situation, most people will react negatively. This is the abdication of choice. It also means that the situation will continue to repeat itself, over and over. If, however, when negatively confronted — no matter how abusive it may be — you have the strength to pause, take a deep breath and NOT react . . . you have taken a huge leap toward a new future. And if you have it in you to choose Love, then you have taken a quantum leap. If you can manage to keep on repeating this in your daily life, then that quantum leap will define your new future. The negative confrontations will cease, and life will show you the other side of its face . . . and it will be smiling at you instead of scowling. And why will it all change? It will change because you are the creator of your life. Negative reaction creates more reasons to scowl and react, while a conscious choice/action will create more reasons to smile at the power of your choice. Try it . . . it works!
This is why I keep on writing these words . . . to constantly and CONSCIOUSLY . . . choose Love!"


White Dove January 3, 2015 at 12:38 pm
White Dove March 12, 2014 at 6:41 pm

"There is a thinking stuff from which all things are made, and which, in its original state, permeates and fills the interspaces of the universe. A thought in this substance produces the thing that is imaged by the thought. A person can form things in his thought, and, by impressing his thought upon formless substance, can cause the thing he thinks about to be created….

"Never look at the visible supply. Look always at the limitless riches in formless substance, and know that they are coming to you as fast as you can receive and use them. Nobody, by cornering the visible supply, can prevent you from getting what is yours.

…. "When things reach you, they will be in the hands of others, who will ask an equivalent for them. And you will only get what is yours by giving the other person what is rightfully his. Your pocketbook is not going to be transformed into a Fortunatu's purse, which shall always be full without effort on your part….

"There are many people who, consciously or unconsciously, set the creative forces in action by the strength and persistence of their desires, but who remain poor because they do not provide for the reception of the things they want when it comes.

"By thought, the thing you want is brought to you. By action, you receive it." – Dr. Wattles.


Marvia November 20, 2013 at 8:25 pm

Love the creativity divine spark.  God is on the move doing so much through so many.  For my the spark is one of resting and preparing to go deeper with Him. Love your heart for God.  Keep going after Him!  He's always worth it!


White Dove January 29, 2014 at 12:48 pm

Thanks so much for your encouraging words, Marvia!


Cyn Rogalski November 20, 2013 at 1:20 pm

Oh, how I identify with this post! Just as a phone needs recharging, I ‘ve been experiencing a ‘hard reset’ lately.
Yes! Time to “pop a qwiff”!


White Dove November 20, 2013 at 3:19 pm

I'm glad I'm not the only one! Let's do it, Cyn 🙂

Thanks so much for coming by – I'm always thinking of you and sending you love!


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